Free · Obesity is on the verge of becoming a national

Published date: December 3, 2022 12:36 pm

Location: Chicago, Chicago, USA

Obesity is on the verge of becoming a national epidemic in the USA and is associated with several chronic diseases,
including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.
The grave medical condition is responsible for an astounding 18% mortality rate in the age group of 40 to 85 among American population,
as observed by a health research study carried out in 2013, questioning the deeply-rooted,
prevailing notion of the medical and scientific community that a mere 5 in every 100 deaths in the country are related to obesity.
The new finding essentially suggests that it is as fatal as cigarette smoking, when it comes to the discussion of public health hazards,
as the particular way of nicotine consumption can be linked to 20 in every 100 deaths in the USA and is acknowledged as
the major preventable cause of mortality in the country.


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